How to Deal With Effexor Withdrawal

Redpath Ian
2 min readDec 21, 2020

Step 1


Familiarize yourself with the symptoms. Symptoms of Effexor withdrawal may include dizziness, fatigue, agitation, anxiety, chills, nausea, headaches, irritability, twitches or shakes, hives, a clicking or buzzing sound in your head, sweating, feelings of unease, muscle pain, and insomnia. These can range from mild to severe. You may experience all of these symptoms or only a few.

Step 2


Drink water. If you are in the throes of a withdrawal from Effexor, there are a few simple ways that you can cope. First, you should drink a lot of water. The more quickly you can flush toxins from your system, the sooner you can begin to feel better.

Step 3


Eat nutrient-dense food. If you are experiencing Effexor withdrawal, chances are you will not want to eat; however, allowing yourself to get too hungry is a drain on your immune system, and will not help you to bounce back. Instead, try to nibble on nutrient-dense food, like fruits, vegetables, or nuts.

Ask a friend to bring you a fruit smoothie made with strawberry, banana, almond milk, and coconut oil.

Alternatively, eat a handful or trail mix or a couple pieces of beef jerky when you feel up to it.

Step 4


Get some rest. The best way to deal with an Effexor withdrawal is to sleep right through it. Do your best to clear your schedule and get as much sleep as you can. Even if you cannot fall asleep, simply taking it easy and getting some rest will enable your body to heal.

This should only be done if you are well-hydrated.

Drink water before and after doing any intense sweating.

Step 5


Do some deep breathing. Try to relax and take long, soothing breaths. This will help move oxygen through your bloodstream, lowering your heart rate and stabilizing your blood pressure. Deep breathing can reduce anxiety, panic, and even nausea. Deep breathing has also been shown to help with restlessness and headaches.



Redpath Ian

The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.